TheHolyRogerCoin block mining reward halves every 840,000 blocks, the coin reward will decrease from 50 to 25 coins.
Total ROGERs in circulation: | 48,782,450 |
Total ROGERs to ever be produced: | 99,000,000 |
Percentage of total ROGERs mined: | 49.28% |
Total ROGERs left to mine: | 50,217,550 |
Total ROGERs left to mine until next blockhalf: | 8,217,400 |
Roger price: | $0.00 (Stablecoin.) ~ 3.00 Satoshis |
Market capitalization (USD): | $0.00 (Stablecoin.) ~ ₿ 1.46 |
ROGERs generated per day: | 28,800 |
TheHolyRogerCoin inflation rate per annum: | 24.05% |
TheHolyRogerCoin inflation rate per annum at next block halving event: | 9.66% |
Total blocks: | 675,652 |
Blocks until mining reward is halved: | 164,348 |
Total number of block reward halvings: | 0 |
Approximate block generation time: | 2.5 minutes |
Approximate blocks generated per day: | 576 |
Difficulty: | 346 |
Hash rate: | 257MH/s |